Thank you for contacting me. I wanted to take a moment to share some significant news with you. After 20 years of serving you and other valued clients, I have made the decision to retire from Real Estate. This decision was not made lightly, and it comes with mixed emotions as I reflect on the relationships and experiences we've shared.

To ensure continuity and uninterrupted service for you, I am pleased to inform you that I have entrusted Ramsay Ferguson and Tom Bastien of the BF Team to handle your needs going forward. We have been working together over the last 4 years and I can highly recommend them to you.

Ramsay Ferguson
Partner: BF Team
Owner: Innovation Realty

Tom Bastien
Partner: BF Team
Owner: Innovation Realty

I want to express my deepest gratitude for your trust and partnership over the years. It has been a pleasure serving you, and I am confident that Ramsay and Tom will provide you with the same level of dedication and expertise that you have come to expect from me.

Kris Sherry
Innovation Realty